The Game really looks like 1996 XD
, nah, more like 2000 grin. Cause this is how a 1997 looks like (a quite good one I must add) http://rohitbandaru.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/blood1.png And here is a pic of a 2000 year game (at that time it was beautifull, oh how times have changed grin ) http://dakkster.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/giants-citizen-kabuto_13.jpg Okay maybe Giants looks prettier, but still you get the point.

1: What exactly is this? It's brown, it's blurry and dappled. But should it be dirt, sand, ...? You can get pretty good textures at cgtextures.com, maybe you can use this:
Dirt/Mud Texture, just adjust some colors with GIMP or Photoshop so they fit your style.
, okay the terrain texture is something I can improve I think. I am photographer so I can use a more photorealistic image of the ground for that. What I find difficult though is how detail maps work on the terrain, so I need to read some more tutorials about that.

2: Okay, i got a weapon. But what exactly is this grid representing? It looks like the weapon is carved out of one piece of material without any more details. Try to get some more defined shape in your textures.
, carved out of unobtainium grin . But tbh, I found texturing the weapon really difficult cause of the texture wrapping. It also did not help that MED is really unstable here, so I might need find myself a real model editor for that.

3: The enemy textures are quite good imho. But try to get some specular (best with spec mapping) on them so maybe the shell(?) of the enemies reflects some light.
, that's a cool idea

If you go more arcade game (what would be great) you can add damage numbers floating up or just let the enemy blink red on hit.
, I like the floating numbers idea

Just let them run around a bit after they spit at a player so they change position.
, again good idea

Where do enemies spawn? I would like to know where they come from.
, they actually spawn at holes, so they come out of the ground. The holes are a bit camouflaged, but should not be to difficult to find. There is however (on purpose) a bit of a random factor on which hole an enemy spawns, so its more difficult to spawn-camp them. But most of the time they spawn on a hole that is the closest to you.