Well, as you may have noticed we didn't say much in the past. As it turns out, being a responsible adult and having a normal life is really shitty for having such a huge side project. Rayne is not dead, but the original mission we had, an affordable, fast and easy to use game engine, has already been developed by Unreal.

There are still things to do for us though and we are not calling it quits just yet, we are still going big or we go home. We just decreased the pacing a little bit. Our day job has been a tad stressful lately (in case you haven't heard it yet, Nils and I are now working for the same company, although Nils is "only" working half time next to University).

So... The dreadful real life caught up with us while we tried to run away from it. If anyone wants to fund us fulltime development on Rayne, shoot us a message! If not, well, we will just take our time laugh

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com