just a little problem.
Does anybody know how I can change the skycube by loading a new level? the manuel says that this can be made by using "ent_morph"
but I don`t know how to write it correct.
ENTITY* sky =
 type = "skycube_level01+6.tga";
 flags2 = SKY | CUBE | SHOW;

function level_teleport()
 if(level_select == 0)
  ...// at this point the skycube should be changed

what exactly must be writen befor the level load?

ent_morph(sky,skycube_level01) ?
sky = ent_morph(my,skycube_level01)?

doesn`t work. it appears a strange flat 3d objekt at the new level. wtf?

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created games: - Bomber Maniacs