First run of the script, before the price data is loaded. Can be used to initialize global and static variables.

Total number of bars in the simulation, determined from StartDate and EndDate and from the available data in the price history files.

I want NumBars to be initialized in INITRUN.
so I can malloc arrays that are based on the size of the test period.

As I work-around, I need to wait for the second bar (SECONDRUN ?) before NumBars has a useful value.
function run() {
  static var* final_report_data = NULL;
  if (is(INITRUN)) {
  } else {
    if (final_report_data == NULL) {
      final_report_data = malloc(NumBars * sizeof(var));
      memset(final_report_data, 0, NumBars * sizeof(var));
  if (final_report_data != NULL) {
     final_report_data[x] = ...