Thank you txesmi!
You absolutely and fully solved my problems, and you deserve a gold medal for that laugh !
Of course I also want to thank AceX, Reconnoiter and Superku, - you all helped a lot laugh!

I am going to post the full working code here, in case anyone ever has a similar problem.


//Keep in mind, I use the 7.5 Extra Edition

BOOL vec_mouseground ( VECTOR *vecGround, var groundHeight )
if ( mouse_dir3d.z == 0 )
return FALSE;
var height = groundHeight - camera->z;
if ( !height )
return FALSE;
if ( (height>>31) != (mouse_dir3d.z>>31) ) //( sign(height) != sign(mouse_dir3d.z) )
return FALSE;
vec_set ( vecGround, &mouse_dir3d );
vec_scale ( vecGround, height / mouse_dir3d.z );
vec_add ( vecGround, &camera->x );
return TRUE;

function move_unit()
my = UnitThatIWantToMove;

VECTOR vecMouseGround;

while (1)
if (vec_mouseground(vecMouseGround, 200)) //The number should be the same z-height that your entity has
draw_point3d ( vecMouseGround, vector(0,255,0), 100, 30 );
var speed = 10;
VECTOR vecMove;
vec_diff ( vecMove, vecMouseGround, my.x ); //Get the movement vector
vec_normalize ( vecMove, speed * time_step ); // x = v * t;
c_move ( my, nullvector, vecMove, GLIDE );
ANGLE angTemp;
vec_to_angle ( angTemp, vecMove );
my.pan += clamp ( ang ( angTemp.pan - my.pan ), time_step * -0.3, time_step * 0.3 );

My formatting does not look too nice, but in the SED it should become more clear laugh.
Btw. all credit to this code goes to the mentioned people, but especially txesmi laugh .