well dont know if i understood the problem with c_scan correct sry. i go in my bed now ^^
The code is for a disk sized projectile that the player can fire and that deals full damage to the main target and half in explosion damage in a circular zone.
...but if u combine all tips together, maybe it looks like this grin , a nice rocket - like projectile ( no c_scan used ):
#define health      skill100
#define _lifetime   skill99    // lifetime of the bullet, the flying projectile
#define _removeable skill98    // 1 = c_explode running  0 = ok, all done, remove now

void c_explode (ENTITY* _ent, _explorange){ // usage: c_explode (me, 300); <- explosion @ me's Position with range of 300
   if (!_ent) return;
   var _stored_you =    0; if (you) _stored_you = handle (you); // saves handle...
   for (you = ent_next (NULL); you; you = ent_next (you)){
      if (!_ent) break;
      var _dist2ent = 0; _dist2ent = _explorange + 1; // always start "false"
      _dist2ent = vec_dist (_ent.x, you.x);
      if (you.health && !you._lifetime){
         trace_mode = (IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_POLYGON);
         if (_dist2ent < _explorange) if (c_trace (_ent.x, your.x, trace_mode)){
            if (HIT_TARGET) draw_point3d (target.x, vector (50, 50, 255), 100, 3);
            you.health -= dist2ent / 2; // less dist? more damage!
   if (_stored_you) you = ptr_for_handle (_stored_you);        // ...restores handle
   if (_ent) _ent._removeable = 1;
void _event_flying_bullet(){
   if (event_type == EVENT_IMPACT || event_type == EVENT_ENTITY) my.health = 0; // BOOOM!
void _flying_bullet(){
   my.group     =   1;                   // we'll ignore, bullets wont block each other
   my.health    =   1;
   my._lifetime = 100;
   my.emask    |= (ENABLE_IMPACT | ENABLE_ENTITY);
   my.event     = _event_flying_bullet;
   if (you) vec_set (my.pan, you.pan);   // you = entity that spawned this bullet
   set     (my, POLYGON);                // or use custom hull, often the better choice
   while (my.health && my._lifetime){
      c_ignore    (1, 0);                // bullets ignore bullets
      c_move      (me, vector (20 * time_step, 0, 0), nullvector, move_mode);
      my._lifetime -= time_step;
      wait (1);
   my.event = NULL;
   set        (my, INVISIBLE | PASSABLE);
   c_explode  (me, 300);                  // init explosion
   while      (!my.removeable) wait (1);  // wait until c_explode is done
   wait       (1);
   ptr_remove (me);                       // finally, remove projectile
action Hero_WED(){                        // example how to create a bullet from player
   my.health      = 100;
   my.group       =   1;                  // the bullets ignore the player
   var _snd_shoot =   0;                  // simply holds handle of sound file later
   while (my.health){
      if (key_ctrl || mouse_left) if (!snd_playing (_snd_shoot)){
         _snd_shoot = snd_play (sound_playerfires_rocket, 80, 0);
         ent_create ("bullet.mdl", vector (my.x, my.x, my.z), _flying_bullet);
      wait (1);

did not test, looks like it works. but finally, i need some sleep. ^^

edit: you.health -= _dist2ent / 2 is bullshit atm, will add working line, in near future.


Acknex umgibt uns...zwischen Dir, mir, dem Stein dort...
"Hey Griswold ... where u gonna put a tree that big ?"
1998 i married my loved wife ... Sheeva from Mortal Kombat, not Evil-Lyn as might have been expected
rayp.flags |= UNTOUCHABLE;