Ackmania is a great game. I really enjoyed playing it. It was finished with professional quality and was done in an impeccable amount of time. Deserves a Vote.

WJBender's Maggots needs a bit more work but the Worms Idea stuck out at me. With explosive bmap terrains, and good pixel collision I was impressed with this project. All it needs is a bit more labored time involved and it can really be something spectacular. Deserved The Vote.

Evoeon 2D Game Builder was not as user friendly as I would have liked it to be. As a past RPG Maker User, I was hoping this would be similar to it, just as it looks to be. But when I started using RPG Maker I was able to jump right into it and start making games without reading the manual... This was not the case. I gave this Project 10 minutes of my time trying to figure out how to operate this program, and had no success then lost interest. However the Idea of it, is a great idea and I would like to see this advance much further. Deserved a Vote.

Last edited by DLively; 08/26/14 17:17.

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