my opinion shortly:
- Ackmania: it is a well done completed funny little game, nice job!
- Maggots: as an old Worms fan I like it, but with the uploaded version I can't shoot grenades, only with the older version to very short distances. so I added a line to launch_gr(): if (proc_status(launch_gr) > 0) return; to the beginning and in this case it works, but somehow the projectile calculations are not okay, they fall very fast... but the other parts, like the destructible terrain and worm movement/falling into holes, are great!
- Evoeon: an easy to use 2D editor was a missing tool for 3DGS. it has a good potential, and features good ideas like th blocking box and event box, but somehow I expected more from it, I couldn't really use it until now, maybe I should read the short manual more carefully.

Free world editor for 3D Gamestudio: MapBuilder Editor