Hi molloy. To expand on what jcl said, there are 3 (not including diag's) files in Log to consider: .log, .trd (open trades), and trades.csv (closed trades). The first 2 are named by strategy. trades.csv is not. What jcl has described will give you separate .log's and .trd's for your Z5 instances, but only 1 trades.csv with the trades from all instances intermingled as they are closed.

Presumably you're running your Z5's in different Broker accounts. If you intend to use trades.csv for reconciling to the Broker's reports or for tax filings by account, you'd need to manually split the file.

The alternative would be to install Zorro a 2nd time into a different folder which would completely separate your instances, giving you independent trades.csv files as well.

BTW, if you have to stop & restart your strategies, make a backup in between and take extra care to be sure you're restarting each strategy in the correct account since Zorro doesn't check this. If you mix them up, Zorro will look for the open trades and when it doesn't find them nuke them from the .trd file leaving them orphaned. Stopping again and reverting to your .trd backup recovers from this, but it's an extra hassle.