As a general rule, if you think "wouldn't it be great if XYZ would work and I could make my code cleaner", the answer is: "It does work!"

Here is some code snippet that probably does what you want:
PANEL *pointer_pan[4][31];

void initialize()
	memset(pointer_pan, 0, 4 * 31 * sizeof(PANEL *));

void cleanup()
	int i, j;

	for(i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
		for(j = 0; j < 31; j ++)
				pointer_pan[i][j] = NULL;

You may want to learn/read up a bit on basic programming and/or read some code written by others with experience.
Note that the memset() trick doesn't work with dynamically allocated multidimensional arrays, because in reality this is still a flat, contiguous block of memory. The compiler will translate the 2D access into a single offset into the memory block.

Last edited by JustSid; 07/27/14 13:46.

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at