irrKlang is a powerful high level API for playing back sound in 3D and 2D applications like games, scientific visualizations and multimedia applications. irrKlang is free for non commercial use. There is also an advanced version of irrKlang named 'irrKlang pro' which can be purchased for a small license fee and may be used in commercial products.

I wrote a Sound Engine plugin using irrKlang SDK.

You can play stereo sounds similar to the media_play function, but without audible delay at the beginning or every loop repetition.

I use the Pro hobbyist version of irrKlang SDK and I'll sell my irrKlangA8.dll plugin for ~20 €, of course you need also the same pro license, details here.

Currently possible features:

Using irrKlang as static Lib

Supported stream modes:
- Autodetects the best stream mode for a specified audio data.
- Streams the audio data when needed.
- Loads the whole audio data into the memory.

File formats:
RIFF WAVE (*.wav)
Ogg Vorbis (*.ogg)
Amiga Modules (*.mod)
Scream Tracker 3 (*.s3m)
Fast Tracker 2 (*.xm)

- irrKlangStopAllSound - Stops all currently playing sounds.
- irrKlangSetAllSoundPaused - Pauses or unpauses all currently playing sounds.
- irrKlangDropISound - Destroy Sound object
- irrKlangSetInit
// sets the volume of the sound, a value between 0 (mute) and 1 (full volume).
// sets the pan of the sound. Takes a value between -1 and 1, 0 is center.
// Sets the playback speed (frequency) of the sound. The default is 1.0
- irrKlangSetPause - Toggle pause of the sounds
- irrKlangPlayPosition - returns the current play position of the sound in milliseconds.
- irrKlangPlay2D - Function to play a sound
// playLooped - plays the sound in loop mode.
// startPaused - starts the sound paused. This implies that track=true.
// track - Makes it possible to track the sound. Causes the method to return an ISound interface.
// streamMode - Specifies if the file should be streamed or loaded completely into memory for playing.
// enableSoundEffects - Makes it possible to use sound effects such as chorus, distorsions, echo, reverb and similar for this sound. Not supported yet

Planned features:
Sound Effects
3D Sound
Recording Audio

If somebody is interested here is a demo sample.

Regards, Robert

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.
by Albert Einstein

PhysX Preview of Cloth, Fluid and Soft Body
