Originally Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

The model is hideous, the website is even more hideous. Actually I don't know which of the two is the more hideous one.
3. Delete your website.
4. No seriously, there is no saving it.
5. Try a service that gives you ways to create a website by clicking it together. I know you want to learn how to make a website and stuff, but keep it on your hard drive for now. They are nowhere near a state where you should release them into the wild. Try something like Squarespace or something else, just don't make it yourself.

These aspects do not make sense. I like my website and what should be at the moment, seems technically good.

The problem is that people have become accustomed to sites that are "beautiful", within a given standard, which to me does not make much sense.

But based on preconceptions about my intentions in making a site so you ended wrongly deducting that I am not able to make a website.

In other words I prefer my site from a site full of useless decorations that features some problems and ends asking the browser released yesterday.

Last edited by GameLight; 07/03/14 17:15.