Not trying to be an asshole... BUT:

The model is hideous, the website is even more hideous. Actually I don't know which of the two is the more hideous one.

The model in and of itself is alright, by which I mean to say it's average for a beginner, but let's not get in over our heads.

So, what can you do about it?
1. Delete the hideous texture/skin. Why is it vomit brown/green? I have never in my life seen a lamp in those colors unless you are talking about some standing lights from the 70's and 80's
2. Make a new texture/skin, this time look at pictures actualfacts, real-life fluorescent lamps.
3. Delete your website.
4. No seriously, there is no saving it.
5. Try a service that gives you ways to create a website by clicking it together. I know you want to learn how to make a website and stuff, but keep it on your hard drive for now. They are nowhere near a state where you should release them into the wild. Try something like Squarespace or something else, just don't make it yourself.

I know that might sound like I am a dick, but no good will come of trying to sugarcoat shit and put lipstick on a pig. Take it as aggressive criticism.

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku