Looks pretty amazing and cool, good work!
A few things:
- The beginning (around 0:16) is a little dark, I think.
- The collectable green-black-grey things look a little weird IMO, I think I'd add some transparent and subtle but relatively bright greenish glow.
- The explosion on bigger enemies (see 1:09) is too lackluster, there should definitely be some chunks and sparks flying away and black smoke.
- Same goes for the green blobs, they should explode into small blobs (which then not fade out by alpha but by size).
- Your indieDB-link gives me a page not found error.

It looks like a lot of work already went into the project, I'm interested to see how it will turn out!

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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