What, our Kickstarter is floundering? Who would've imagined?

Well, in light of this, everyone on our team decided that our best bet at reviving interest both in our game and our kickstarter would be to finally publish an alpha demo of the game so that everyone can actually play it for themselves before deciding whether its worth backing or not.

You can download the alpha at our game's official(ly small and dinky) website:


If this doesn't change anyone's minds, we don't believe much else will, so we're posting news of this not just to our humble little home on TIGSource but also to every gaming news site we can think of.

And by the way: thanks very much for the kind words, Sid! You should all listen to him, the game is definitely really really good. Really!

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!