Hi guys! Remember that game I told you all about a while ago? As a matter of fact, it's still being worked on. I have a small little team of four now and over the past 10 months we've made quite a lot of progress. Enough, in fact, to launch a new kickstarter for the game!

The truth is, it's been a long time coming. We struggled for a whole month to get attention from the media to help give this a boost before we launched it, but apparently news about kickstarter campaigns is less popular than news about games in general, so we weren't able to get any support like that on the way out the door as we were able to last time. Nonetheless, we have the means to advertise this game to an extent ourselves, and as the month wears on we thoroughly believe we'll be able to pick up enough steam to get this train moving -- with your help, that is!

We're very hopeful because we have to be! In the grand scheme of things, we're not asking for much money at all, but I guarantee you that we need every bit of it.

At any rate, you can check out the kickstarter here:

It's got a trailer! And pictures! And lots of words! So please tell everyone you know about it. It would mean the world to us, really.

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!