Here's a note:

#define SKIN_ALBEDO ( //diffusemap
#define SKIN_ALPHA (skin1.w) //alpha
#define SKIN_NORMAL ( //normalmap
#define SKIN_GLOSS (skin3.w) //glossmap

which is skin 1 and 3 smirk

Click to reveal..

//----- USER INPUT -------------------------------------------------------------

//assign skins
#define SKIN_ALBEDO ( //diffusemap
#define SKIN_ALPHA (skin1.w) //alpha
#define SKIN_NORMAL ( //normalmap
#define SKIN_GLOSS (skin3.w) //glossmap
//#define SKIN_EMISSIVEMASK (skin3.y) //emissive mask
//#define SKIN_COLOR (skin3.w) //(team)color mask
//#define SKIN_EMVMAPMASK (skin3.x) //environment mapping mask
//#define SKIN_VELVETYMASK (skin3.z) //velvety lighting mask

//#define MTL_SKIN1 //skin1 is a mtlSkin and not an entSkin?
//#define MTL_SKIN2 //skin2 is a mtlSkin and not an entSkin?
//#define MTL_SKIN3 //skin3 is a mtlSkin and not an entSkin?
//#define MTL_SKIN4 //skin4 is a mtlSkin and not an entSkin?

#define NORMALMAPPING //do normalmapping?

#define GLOSSMAP //entity has glossmap?
#define GLOSSSTRENGTH 0 //glossmap channel will be set to this value if GLOSSMAP is not defined

//#define EMISSIVEMASK //use emissive mask? (formula: emissive_color = SKIN_EMISSIVEMASK * SKIN_ALBEDO)
//#define EMISSIVE_A7 // (optional EMISSIVEMASK addon) use emissive_red/green/blue for as emissive color? (formula: emissive_color = SKIN_EMISSIVEMASK * vecEmissive)
//#define EMISSIVE_SHADEC // (optional EMISSIVEMASK addon) OR use SC_OBJECT_EMISSIVE as emissive color? (formula: emissive_color = SKIN_EMISSIVEMASK * SC_OBJECT_EMISSIVE)

//#define OBJECTCOLOR_A7 // use diffuse_red/green/blue as (team)color using the colormask?
//#define OBJECTCOLOR_SHADEC // OR use SC_OBJECT_COLOR as (team)color using the colormask?

//#define ALPHACLIP //do alphatesting/alphacutout?

//#define USE_VEC_DIFFUSE //use diffuse_red/green/blue? (note: don't use with OBJECTCOLOR_A7 at the same time)

//#define ZPREPASS //do an early zbuffer prepass? Only makes sense for heavy ALU


#include <scHeaderObject>
// <-
// insert custom code here
// ->
#include <scObject>

I changed that and it works now laugh Starting to figure shadows out too laugh

Thank you for your patience!!

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