Thanks for the tip! It` true, it`s so GOD DAMN EASY, with help of EXCELLENT EHPLAINED LITE-C BEGINER TUTTORIAL HERE !!!

I started from scratch (blank script) and compare it with old code (posted here on other thread) and lit-c tuttorial of course.
So far, i made 2 pannels for 2 diferent models with commands for each panel (ent_morph if button clicked...). Each panel react
only on interaction with corespond model. Great! If something goes wrong i`ll search the help here. As for the matter of my
other post with old script... admin, delete it please.

I`ll recomend this engine to all my friends for a quick and easy visualisation of their projects. The idea and art commponent
are the most important for multimedia content creation.The tools for putting that art in interactive "box" must be easy!

P.S. My moto:
First try everything else, then read the tuttorial! grin

Q: what is the max number of faces,vertices, tex.vertices per one model (mdl) in new A8?
( do not consider fact that highpoly models are heavier for engine, i need tech.info only)