Hi jcl. I have been unable to duplicate the exact thing I was seeing before. That was on 1.22.0, and I'm now testing 1.22.1. On 1.22.1 please run this script for EUR/USD and look at 06-01 when Longs and a Short are entered. I'm seeing opens shown on the same Bar as in the log, except for Short Entry Limit - those trades are being shown opening on the next Bar. Unless the trade is opened via the tmf - in that case it's on the same Bar as in the log.

int tmf(var Price) {
	return 0;

// helper function for finding trades at a grid line
bool findTrade(var Price,var Grid,bool IsShort) {
    if((TradeIsShort == IsShort)
      and between(TradeEntryLimit,Price-Grid/2,Price+Grid/2))
        return true;
  return false;
function run() {
//	set(TICKS);
  BarPeriod = 1440;
  StartDate	= 20140101;
	EndDate	= 20140114;
  Hedge = 2; 
  EntryTime = 50;
	Trail			= 1000*PIP;
	TrailLock	= 90;
  var Price;
  var Grid = 10*PIP; // grid spacing
  var Current = priceClose();
// place pending trades at 5 grid lines  
// above and below the current price
	if (Bar>=LookBack) {
  for(Price = Current-5*Grid; Price <= Current+5*Grid; Price += Grid) {
    if(Price <= Current and !findTrade(Price,Grid,true)) {
    	Stop = 10000*PIP;
//		enterLong(tmf,-Price);
    else if(Price > Current and !findTrade(Price,Grid,false)) {
    	Stop = 100*PIP;
//		enterShort(tmf,-Price);