So finally only one thing is still missing from the new system:
The shader source code format

I've thought about it, the user should be able to have a maximum of flexibility to write their shaders but i also want a unified shader interface.
So i need some kind of markup language around the shader source files

XML doesn't really work because the contained glsl code may contains < or > so no option
JSON is another spread markup language. But its syntax isn't that easy to read.
So my solution was Lua. The engine already has a lua scripting interface so easy integration for me. Also way more options for the user to create shaders.

Here is a basic example for an object shader:

-- We compile with GLSL Version 3.3
shader.version = "330"

-- Add a global shader source file that is accessible from all shaders:
	type = "global",
	source = 
	uniform mat4 matWorld;
	uniform mat4 matView;
	uniform mat4 matProjection;
	uniform sampler2D meshDiffuseTexture;

-- Add a vertex shader. The input variables and layout is specified by the input entry
	type = "vertex",
	input = "mesh",
	source = 
	out vec2 uv;

	void main()
		vec4 pos = vec4(vertexPosition, 1);
		gl_Position = matProjection * matView * matWorld * pos;
		uv = vertexUV;

-- Add a fragment shader. Simple alpha-testing shader.
	type = "fragment",
	source = 
	layout(location = 0) out vec4 color;
	in vec2 uv;
	void main()
		color = texture(meshDiffuseTexture, uv);
		if(color.a < 0.5f) discard;

Imho this solution is really acceptible because it is easy to read and provides flexibility.
The coolest thing is that your shaders are not static code.
You can easily create a shader based on the system specs or some dynamic settings based on os, graphics card, ...

What do you think?

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