Thanks for the comments.

Id love to see the receive code too if theres some.
, there is none. I check on the client within a while loop if the player_handle var array is not 0 and if the pointer is null and than retrieve the pointer through ptr_handle. But for testing purposes I disabled it and other functions that manipulate the player pointers.

Also you should use send_data_id instead of sending the shit in a for loop because of overhead and cuz its just simplier, saves lines of code and is even faster^^
, sounds like a good idea, thanks laugh.

send_var_id expects a pointer to a user defined variable / struct. You're passing an entity pointer to it.
, sry but I don't get this. Am I not sending an array (where the entity handle is saved in) through instead of an entity pointer? And why does it work when I send the handle through a var instead of an array?:

var player_handle_test = 0;
pointer_player_test = ent_create("MDL_Player.mdl",vector(0,0,100),player_control);  
wait(-2); // wait until the handle is ready
player_handle_test = handle(pointer_player[i]);
if (player_handle_test != 0) send_var_id(id,player_handle_test);

So many questions grin