Originally Posted By: the_clown
Software engineering related question incoming, I suppose you implemented the visitor pattern in a way such that none of your node subclasses actually performs calls to opengl, but instead the renderer just calls the appropriate method to render a node if it should be rendered, and is the only class making actual opengl calls?

Yes, and no. The scene nodes don't render themselves but tell the renderer what to do, so far, so "yes". "No", because the renderer isn't the only thing that does OpenGL calls. The light manager for example makes them too, which granted, you can think of an extension to the renderer itself. But the texture classes, the shader class, the shader cache... All these classes make the OpenGL calls themselves, mainly because the renderer does exactly what its name suggests: Rendering.

Anyways, it's Saturday... And for some reason people associate that with screenshots. So we figured, why not? Right? Right!

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com