Originally Posted By: MasterQ32
...Rayne? I'm sorry, but i wanted a managed environment with reflection.

So, kind of like this? tongue
void Foobar()
	RN::MetaClass *meta = RN::Catalogue::GetSharedInstance()->GetClassWithName("RN::Entity");
	RN::Object *object = meta->Construct();

		throw "If you run into this, hide in your basement and good luck survivng the apocalypse";

	object->SetValueForKey(RN::Model::WithFile("myModel"), RNCSTR("model"));

I mean, it's an useless example that I just pulled out of my ass, but it's used for serialization/deserialization and runtime generics...
But I digress, just wanted to say that Rayne DOES have a runtime type introspection system.... No managed environment though, unless you drop to a scripting language that supports it.

Anyways, good luck with your engine! laugh

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com