No one? Well, fuck you guys! tongue

Our alpha testers should have an email with their login credentials now. The first Rayne alpha is released. It was a seriously long night and a much longer day to push the release out today. We actually thought we would be super awesomely in time, and then the last minute bugs and stuff swept all over us.

Not much to say otherwise, over 2000 commits and over a year of development and we just made it into Alpha. It's not too bad of an alpha, but it's definitely not a beta yet; the windows toolchain is kind of crazy... But fuck yeah, we took less time for that than the last Gamestudio minor release took. Take that JCL!

Questions anyone?

Oh: If you haven't got an email from us but got a message from me telling you that you are part of the alpha testers: Check your spam folder and make sure that you allow emails from If you still can't find it, message me via PM!

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at