You hinted at some kind of black hole there.

FIRST OF ALL, that's about my PERSONAL goal of making the place a little less crowded so everyone has more room to do whatever it is that they do. My personal goal does not require anyone else's to be aligned with it nor it is exclusive of other's goals. And it's not for domination. How can ,do you suppose, one dominate DEAD people? They are dead and in peace not dominated and in misery. For short, my plans about the number of people on the planet is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

Now about entity updates. As you can read from my previous post i already convinced myself it does not matter if it's parallel or sequential from the user stand point. By user i mean the one's using the engine to make a game, not the ones that just play that game. It only matters from engine developers' stand-point,obviously, because of completely different implementation. I suppose user's ways of moving the entities would not change by how the engine actually handles that movement, though maybe the results of may that movement slightly change, but it's so slight that it does not matter. What matters is one of these ways either performs a lot faster, or adding and maintaining the other in the engine's code-base is a lot easier(Maybe both in one them, if that's the case then PARTY, but it don't think it is in this instance). I am not sure if the performance gain is worth the complexity but, of course, you know better.

Oh and yes, I'd like Sid to tell me more.

I am guessing you are more on the graphics side and Sid covers the lower-level side?


Last edited by Quad; 11/20/13 02:16. Reason: My left hand was out of sync words were scrambled.