Found out that when using class destructor for cleaning up lite-c structs is just like miracle wand. Now i never want to leave C#.

And by the way layer property should be double as it can be 3.01 too not only int. Even in PANEL class it gets converted as double.

And why here isnt implemented randomize() function, but random() and random_seed() is? Without that function all others is useless.

And i hope MULTIMEDIA gets managed by C# as there is no such object in lite-c.

And could it be when closing 3DGS window C# is running for some frames after? Im saying because im getting corrupt memory message then, but when closing console window first it didnt happens. Ahh. Found out it is destructor. Seems when i said it to remove unmanaged resources it cant do it when 3DGS is already closed. It was easely fixable by adding static variable which on engine exit lets C# know it.

Also you could tell how to get rid of that console at final version.

Last edited by Arrovs; 11/15/13 01:09.

Arrovs once will publish game