Quad thanks for your reply,

It's not about the language it's about the idea and the logic. This is true for the programming in general.

I agree that programming is the use of and design of logic to achieve a idea or goal. Any newbie can copy and paste code they asked the forum to write for them. And advanced newbies can also modify pre-written code. And I do feel I am beyond both in having and understanding the creation and use of logic.

There is a simplicity to the 3dgs engine and LiteC that I'm am asking about. The first time I tried to learn how to program a win32 program -> All that craziness to just create a window ,Hell I still don't know what all that code is I just learned to copy and paste.

I never made the jump to Unity, got stop on the C# language and the perception by me that it took a lot more work to do what I could in 3dgs. But you are right, It's the learning curve I am avoiding and that is holding me to 3dgs. And so I'm asking the Rayne Team - Will they be giving some type of help that will ease my jump by using the skill I have learn in 3dgs. A move guide.