Originally Posted By: the_clown
Not quite sure how I could not see this thread right when it came up first

No worries, we are only mildly offended laugh

Originally Posted By: the_clown
Oh and the homepage design is beautiful, nice and clean just how it's supposed to be. Whoever writes your texts (I'd wildy guess and say Sid does that, but I might be wrong), lovely style. Kinda sharp in a refreshing way.

Thanks! But I'm afraid I can't take the credit for that, we made the website together, including the texts.

Buuut... Speaking of the website, I would like to announce the big social update!
We listened to your feedback, and what we got away from it is that you are all nuts and like this social stuff. So we decided to leave our basement (just kidding, no one of us lives in a basement. We can't afford such luxury), and become social beings for once. Rayne now has a Facebook page like all the cool kids. And a subreddit without content, because we are not only cool, but also raging hipsters!

Also, some of you said that they would like us to send them non-spammy emails from time to time to tell them what we are up to, so that's also possible now: Head over the the rayne website and subscribe to our newsletter.

Oh, and we weren't lazy either. In the past few days we've been busy working on Downpour and a few engine internals. Rayne objects now feature KVO and KVC, which allows the Editor to just poll for the exported variables of objects and display their content. Check this out:

(Please also note our quality UI design)

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com