I had this figured out a long time ago, but for the life of me i cant figure out the syntax to have a struct contain an array of engine object pointers.

I want to write my own custom menu struct, and in it I have declared an unitialized TEXT* but every time I try to assign txt_create to it I run into various different problems in everyway i can think to fix it. One way I get a "cant convert pointer to struct TEXT" which doesnt make sense to me because txt_create isnt supposed to actually return the object, but a pointer to. I cant remember how but I can get it to work in the [0] (1st place in the array), after that the other text objects dont seem to function. here is my current code, i think its the "cant convert" problem prev. described in its current state:




function printm(STRING* msg)

	TEXT* msg_txt[2];//=txt_create(msg,6);

	(printm_menu.menu_text)[0].pos_x=printm_menu.bg.pos_x+(30*(desktop_size_x/1024));   //positioning
	//(printm_menu.menu_text)[1].pos_y=30; //printm_menu.bg.pos_y+(120*(desktop_size_y/768));

It might be a little jumbled, and commented out in weird places because I was trying like 10 diff ways to make it work, but hopefully its still clear what I'm trying to accomplish.

Last edited by lostclimate; 09/12/13 18:36.