Hi, I can get some behavior when making series, particularly using LowPass. Often, a series of a series doesn't display on the plot and returns a value of -1. This is more frequent with LowPass. An example with two very similar series functions that give different results:

var fxn1(var* Data,int Period) {
return (Data[0]-MidPoint(Data,Period))/(MaxVal(Data,Period)); }

var fxn2(var* Data,int Period) {
return (Data[0]-MidPoint(Data,Period))/(MaxVal(Data,Period)-MidPoint(Data,Period)); }

function run() {
StartDate = 2002;
PlotBars = 20000;
var* Price = series(price());
vars M1=series(fxn1(Price,1440));
vars M2=series(fxn2(Price,1440));
vars M3=series(LowPass(M1,100));
plot("M3",M3[0],NEW,BLUE); }

These all plot fine. However, if you change M3 to be a LowPass series of M2 (instead of M1, ie. fxn2 instead of fxn1), the plot is blank with -1. M1 and M2 are still fine in this case.

Is this user error, or a bug somewhere? Thanks for any help you can provide.