Heres a script I adapted a while back using NB's 10.2 to look at slope values. I adapted it the other day to use an RSI of the slope value. This might be of some use to you. Maybe not.
var valOpen()
   var val = 0;  
      if(strstr(TradeAsset,Asset) && TradeIsOpen)      
      val += TradeResult;  
  return val;

//| calcTmaTrue()                                                                        |
double calcTmaTrue( int inx )
   // return ( iMA( symbol, tf, 21, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_CLOSE, inx ) );
   vars Close = series(priceClose());
   double dblSum  = 0;
   double dblSumw = 0;
   int jnx, knx;
   int sundayCandles = 0;

   for ( jnx = 0, knx = 21; jnx < 21; jnx++, knx-- )
      dblSum  += Close[inx + jnx + sundayCandles] * knx;
      dblSumw += knx;
   return ( dblSum / dblSumw );

//| calcPrevTrue()                                                                        |
double calcPrevTrue( int inx )
   vars Close = series(priceClose());
   double dblSum  = Close[ inx ] * 20;
   double dblSumw = 20;
   int jnx, knx;
   int sundayCandles = 0;
   for ( jnx = 1, knx = 21; jnx < 22; jnx++, knx-- )
      dblSum  += Close[ inx + jnx + sundayCandles ] * knx;
      dblSumw += knx;
   return ( dblSum / dblSumw );

//| GetSlope()                                                                              |
double GetSlope(int shift)
   int shiftWithoutSunday = shift;  
   double atr = ATR(100) / 10;
   double gadblSlope = 0.0;
   if ( atr != 0 )
      double dblTma = calcTmaTrue( shiftWithoutSunday );
      double dblPrev = calcPrevTrue( shiftWithoutSunday );
      gadblSlope = ( dblTma - dblPrev ) / atr;
   return ( gadblSlope );


function run()
   BarPeriod = 240;                                  // 4H Period
   StartDate = 20120101;
   EndDate = 20130701;
   LookBack = 500;

      vars Price = series(price());
      vars PriceOpen = series(priceOpen());
      vars TwoFortyMA = series(LowPass(PriceOpen,240));
      vars Slope = series(GetSlope(0));
      vars SlopeRSI = series(RSI(Slope,2));
      if (Price[0] > TwoFortyMA[0] && Price[0] > TestMA[0] && rising(TestMA) && NumOpenLong < 1 )
      if (Price[0] < TwoFortyMA[0] && Price[0] < TestMA[0] && falling(TestMA) && NumOpenShort < 1 )
      TakeProfit = 100*PIP;
      //Stop = 100 * PIP;