Haha genau das kotzte mich auch gerade an!! mad


Originally Posted By: jcl AUM 109
I can not deny that Zorro's development had an impact on Gamestudio - we have no unlimited development resources. However, Gamestudio is still our main product and our main focus especially now since Zorro is ready and finished.

Originally Posted By: jcl 58 minutes 5 seconds ago
Zorro version 1.12 is now available for beta testing. The following new features have been implemented:

- Slippage is now recorded while live trading, and displayed in the performance report in total and per trade.

- An additional algorithm (VO) was added to the Z1 system, increasing the annual return to about 250%

- After 6 months live test, the new Z3 and Z5 trade systems have been released.

- The plotMAEGraph function can produce MAE distribution graphs and similar charts.

- The plotGraph function draws lines and polygons in a chart.

- The DOT type can be used for plotting a dotted curve.

- The Trail distance can now be negative for raising the stop loss on any bar regardless if the trade is in profit or not.

- Due to an internal loop optimization, trades are now entered faster, thus reducing slippage.

- The MUTE flag prevents playing sounds (in the case that Zorro trades from your bedroom).

- NumTotalCycles can be used to repeat a full simulation cycle many times.

- The pattern analyzer can now generate 'fuzzy pattesrns' with the FUZZY|PATTERN method.

- The pattern analyzer can now generate pattern finding functions in C that can be exported to other platforms.

- The equalF and eq functions have been added to the fuzzy logic set.

If you're interested in beta testing this version, please send me a PM and I'll open the Zorro beta test forum for you.

Originally Posted By: beta page
V8.45 beta - (in development)
V8.44 beta - released May 29, 2013

Number and size of parameters to a lite-C function is now unlimited. Previously the parameter size was limited to 128 bytes, i.e. 32 vars.

The shadowmapping demo can be switched from shader workshop shadows to PSSM shadows by un-commenting #define PSSM.

The level size (level_ent.min_x/max_x) was automatically adapted to the maximum coordinate of an object moved or placed in the level. This led to undesired behavior when the level size was set up manually. It is now only adapted when level_ent.max_x/min_x was changed in the script .

Comparing a function pointer with a double or float value - this can happen when forgetting the () parentheses of a function call - will now generate a compiler error.

Preincrement and postincrement operators now work as in C/C++; the postincrement operator returns the value before the increment.

V8.42 beta - released December 6, 2012

The maximum step height of character controllers can now be determined with pXent_setskinwidth.

A new version of the shooter template, with a lot more customizable parameters, was added.

Entities can now also be sorted by their z distance.

The freeze_mode variable can be used to freeze all particles.

Shaders can now also include code from external .fx files with the #include statement.

vecViewDir.w contains the view arc in radians.
V8.40 - released September 2, 2012

Last edited by Superku; 06/20/13 08:28.

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