So I can make the LBG_window have no content then use the scrolling to change the pos_y of the TEXT*. But how do I get the TEXT* to be clipped once it's past the LBG_window frames?

To clip it - ? Hum.. Did you read Really bad solution? The text is behind the lbg_window which is behind the screen bmap. sceen bmap is colored screen color anything not in the alpha window is invisible.

What is wrong with a simple string swapping method ? People were doing long before lbgui. AUM scrolling text

Maybe a way with bmap font and bmap manipulation to blit text on to the a panel that's the child of a LBG_window. But you have to keep changing the panels size to fit new text.

A scrolling text that the player adds new content to and has to be able to back scroll fast? Like looking back in a chat log? Any reason you can't limit the look back range to say 20 post?

Last edited by Malice; 05/31/13 20:01.