Hello! I am having some trouble and was wondering if anyone out there can help. This is, from what I can tell by surfing around the internet a simple request. Well, simple to what others have made. laugh I have a toon shader. I've been trying to alter it so it only draws an outline and does not shade the model. Leaving the model to be shaded by the enviroment. A simple outline shader for a model is all I need. I am not a programer, I have not studied. I'm usually good at figuring things out. However, with shaders....I'm am so lost. SO my question is, can onyone out there write a simple shader that will only outline a model? Credit will be given to the creator...as of right now that is all I can offer. laugh hopefully waiting.
I also feel I should mention that I am working in C-Script not Lite-C. grin thanks

Last edited by FinalMyle; 05/14/13 01:08.