html code? it sounds pretty dangerous laugh
I have to be blind because I can't find the switch to "using HTML (and UBBCode)" option anywhere. I reviewed my account preferences, I tryed to edit the topic because i read that UBB forum html option is in each topic. I'm lost. The youtube tag does not work.

I will try to explain it. I devised it from scratch with the premise that all the enemies look for the player. In other cases it will not work because the whole algoritm remains in this premise.

I allocate all the enemies in an array that I sort each frame by distance to the player from nearest to farthest.

The next thing I do is create some obtruction lines with the near neighbors in the array when the distance between them is not big enough to permit the access and I allocate the lines in the narest of both enemies involved in the description of the obstruction line.

That is all the data I used to compute the avoidance. I move the enemies in the array order. First I set the player as actual enemys' objetive. I check if the ray between the actual enemy and its objetive is cut by any of the lines allocated in the previous members in the array, from previous to the first. In the case a line intersects I set the actual enemys' nearest line contructor enemy as the objetive for the actual enemy and I save the turn sign to enforce further intersection turns to same side.

Next I check the distance from the same ray above to the previous members in the array, from first (or the previosly set objetive) to the previous of the actual enemy. If the distance from the ray to the enemy is lower than the summatory of both enemies bounding radius, I set it as the actual enemys' objetive.

The last action is to turn the vector from actual enemy to its objetive in order to to get out of the bounds of the actual enemies objetive in the case that an intersetion has been detected.

It works pretty good and fast for my needs.