I was actually more thinking about the different lighting types on just one page, like hemispherical for ambient and bidirectional for some kind of fake, but cheap indirect illumination and so on, I also donīt completely get his final term, but at the moment, I donīt really care, I just stumbled over it searching for information on shadow filtering and slope scaled depth bias for removing surface acne.
The only information I found about glPolygonOffset that was a paper from 2001 and the OpenGL specs... Finally I am using some pretty strange values and it looks good, as long as I donīt choose big filter kernels.
There are however these two really usefull sites on cascaded shadow mapping and general approaches to improve shadow mapping quality:

I am thinking about giving Exponential shadow maps a try, as for some reason jittered sampling is extremly slow, even with just 4 samples and everything else is also slow when using more than 9 samples. Probably an issue with my 2048*1536 resolution I am testing with, but still I would like it to be faster...