busy busy ; this is going to be an editor for the first
release version , the editor's focus is going to be
to manualy design and lay down the mesh for walkable
areas ,the editor would help in making sure that walkable
and non walkable areas are indeed present instead of
allowing the mistakes to take place that an automatic
filtering of geometry would produce ,and this would
be cool because i could pre make my navmesh in the editor
and save all data to a file that could be then loaded
perhaps with a single function like pre-baking the navmesh..

i am also going to try and add as much functionality into
the editor as i can come up with ,an example would be
the idea that i have of adding navmesh data to separate
sub objects like a building that can be added or removed
during game but its data comes from file saved previously
with the editor .

but i cant really say much at this time except i am stil
actively developing the project and have hopes and ideas for it
..more thAn i could share rite now ..

Compulsive compiler