Cool game idea! I wanted to give it more than a try grin

I started with the tutorials and found a problem into third. When I tryed the example code for printing the passenger name

print ( .. " carries " .. train.passenger )

it returns an error. I tryed printing just the passenger name, and it tells that it was a table address (I guess).

print ( train.passenger )

Adding '.name' to the passenger address prints the correct passenger name.
print ( .. " carries " .. )

I continued with the tutorial and when tryed to insert the if/then stament of 'ai.chooseDirection' function, it returns another error. Something to do with strings concatenation that i did not fully understand. I tryed printing all the values involved in the expresion and it looks that the 'train.passengerX' component is empty.

I could not find where is the problem and could not continue playing. frown
