Thanks Lukas,

this is my function I use to create the combobox and listbox in a window

window_linemanager = LBG_create_window(0, 96, 64, 512, 400, 12, 1,"Linienmanager",&win_bbmaps,&win_cbmaps,&win_tbmaps,1, 0,  WF_SHOW | WF_XBUTTON | WF_MAXBUTTON | WF_RESIZABLE );
	window_linemanager->xbutton_offx = -25; 
	window_linemanager->xbutton_offy = 1;
	window_linemanager->minsize_x = 64; 
	window_linemanager->minsize_y = 64;
	window_linemanager->tpos_y = 8;
	// Combobox für Linienfilter
	LBG_COMBOBOX* combobox_linefilter = LBG_create_combobox(window_linemanager, 10, 40, 240,16, 4, "Alle", LBG_ebmaps(editbox_left_tga,editbox_middle_tga,editbox_right_tga), 16, 16, 224, &listbox_bmaps, 	LBG_bbmaps(combobox_button1_tga,combobox_button2_tga,combobox_button3_tga,combobox_button1_tga,combobox_button2_tga,combobox_button1_tga), CBF_SHOW);

	// Comboboxes have a member listbox called menu. To add options to the combobox, we just have to add items to its menu:
	LBG_create_listitem (combobox_linefilter ->menu, 100, "Alle", 0);
	LBG_create_listitem (combobox_linefilter ->menu, 100, "Zug", 0);
	LBG_create_listitem (combobox_linefilter ->menu, 100, "Straßenbahn", 0);
	LBG_create_listitem (combobox_linefilter ->menu, 100, "Transrapid", 0);
	LBG_create_listitem (combobox_linefilter ->menu, 100, "Monorail", 0);
	LBG_create_listitem (combobox_linefilter ->menu, 100, "Bus und Lkw", 0);
	LBG_create_listitem (combobox_linefilter ->menu, 100, "Schiff", 0);
	LBG_create_listitem (combobox_linefilter ->menu, 100, "Flugzeug", 0);
	// Linien Liste
	// Create a listbox
	list_lines = LBG_create_listbox (window_linemanager, 10, 70, 240, 256, 16, 16, 220, 230, &listbox_bmaps, LF_SHOW | LF_AUTOVSCROLL);
	list_lines->tpos_x = 4; // This sets the text position of the items of this list relative to their positions
	list_lines->tpos_y = 1;
	list_lines->itemheight = 20; // This sets the height of the list items and thus the distance of two items. On default, the height is LBG_listitem_font.dy
	list_lines->bmaps_over.bmap_left = listitem_over_left_tga; // This determines the bitmap of the list items, when the mouse is over them.
	list_lines->bmaps_over.bmap_middle = listitem_over_middle_tga;
	list_lines->bmaps_over.bmap_right = listitem_over_right_tga;
	list_lines->bmaps_marked.bmap_left = listitem_over_left_tga; // This determines the bitmap of the list items, when they are selected.
	list_lines->bmaps_marked.bmap_middle = listitem_over_middle_tga;
	list_lines->bmaps_marked.bmap_right = listitem_over_right_tga;
	LBG_create_vscrollbar(list_lines, LBG_vsbmaps (vscrollbar_top_tga,vscrollbar_middle_tga,vscrollbar_bottom_tga,vscrollbar_bar_tga), LBG_bbmaps(vscrollbar_up1_tga,vscrollbar_up2_tga,vscrollbar_up3_tga,vscrollbar_up1_tga,vscrollbar_up2_tga,vscrollbar_up1_tga), LBG_bbmaps(vscrollbar_down1_tga,vscrollbar_down2_tga,vscrollbar_down3_tga,vscrollbar_down1_tga,vscrollbar_down2_tga,vscrollbar_down1_tga), VSF_SHOW);

Its only possible to select the first listitem of the combobox menu.
Whats wrong?

I have another question. I add some listitems to the listbox 'list_lines' and assign a Select function to the listbox. In this function I want to
get the number of the selected listitem like this:

function selectLine(){
	selectedLineItem = list_lines.marked_item;
	num_selectedLineItem = LBG_object_getnum(list_lines, selectedLineItem);

But num_selectedLineItem is always 0, else if I dont select the first listitem .
How get I the correct number of the selected listitem?

Last edited by Bone; 02/18/13 13:29.