Hello everybody,

I try to recover an old 5000-Lines-Plus project from 2003 in A6 / C-Script. In the end I want to convert to Lite-C, but before, I have to bridge the C-Script-Gap between A6 and A8. So far I was able to remove every error, but now I ran into a wall.

A6 knew "predefined materials", as described here:

At the moment there are 9 predefined materials that are automatically assigned to entities dependent on their type and flags, unless the entity has an own material. You can change the overall lighting of a level by adjusting the properties of those materials:

mat_flat for flat map surfaces
mat_shaded for shaded map surfaces
mat_terrain for terrain entities
mat_model for model entities
mat_sprite for sprite entities
mat_particle for particles (not yet used)
mat_sky for dome or scene sprites (not yet used)
mat_metal for any entity with metal flag set
mat_unlit for any entity with unlit flag set
mat_shadow for defining stencil shadow transparency and diffuse color

Unfortunately, though A7 as the step in between showed no problems with that (I tested it with the A7 version available on Conitec), A8 gets the hickups. This code appears to be faulty now:

if (mca_matnummer == 4) 
	str_cpy(mca_MatNameStr, "mat_model");
	mca_Object.material = mat_model;
	mca_Material = mat_model;

It results in

matcal.wdl 359:0 () Parameter unknown mat_model

So these predefined materials are no longer supported? How can I fix that in C-Script?