Yes a good choice to continue using 3DGS laugh
It is very easy i agree, but there is more easy !

Why caus after using C script i find it hard to manipulate and initialize simple objects (that should be initialized by default no ? )

It is lot lot mor eeasy to use C# indeed, specially when the 3D engine gives you function like :

Entity myPlayer = new Entity("mymodel.fbx", 0);

It's so much natural and easy , that's why i asked in future for 3DGS some full C# suppport (even it could leave CSript!)

Same thing for 3D Assets, it's so much easy to make a scene, adjust materials and properties in some other engines !


So yes 3DGS is capable (Battle For Forgol, SuperCan, SuperKu ...) But you must put hard work , or be a big talented team !

For simple indie loneWolves , C# full support, better workflow, real time editing, complete terrain editor would put 3DGS on tracks, even without latest 3D features, it would become lot lot more friendly like some others ....

Well it was just a reminder about 3DGS future asks laugh


Good luck to you, but PathFinding is already available on some 3D engines, or will be very soon on others( LE3D for example) , so why putting all your efforts and all your time on such feature ?

If it's needed for making a game, i would advice you to choose another 3D solution , and make your game instead !

If it's coding pleasure , continue it laugh

Last edited by ratchet; 12/26/12 13:00.