Man, I hope they don't teach that in school, because you are wrong.

The whole purpose of using an API is to get bypass the OS and get to a lower level. AGP is used because it bypasses the regular system bus and can access system memory directly, at speeds the PCI bus can't.

Furthermore, after extensive testing, it has been proven that almost all applications run faster with 512 MB RAM vs 128. The increase is marginal from 128 to 256. In fact, Q3 runs slower with 256 MB RAM than it does with 128. BUT, increase that RAM to 512 and Q3 (for example) gets a massive increase.

All I really disagree with is "more than 128 is waste". I recently ordered and built 2 computers for my boss...and only got them 128 RAM. Not everyone needs more RAM. But, having 512 MB is certainly not a waste! Yes, win9x sucks at utilizing memeory...but it doesn't mean having more is a wasted and that getting another OS the best solution!

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
