Also i talked about that i had curiosity in augment plugin only available in PRO, And that the trial would not let me test, so thats where the crack part came. Because it would be nice, to have a free engine fully features enabled, to let us test the full potential, and then if we need to actually sell, we publish not with the free engine we have, but with Conitec SIDE .. (BUT ITS JUST a thought!)

Believe me the aumented reality needs a camera , i doubt people will buy one or use some playing indie games ? this is very little niche, for some games like on PS2, PS3 style ...

And crying you would need Pro to just some features, well ... i would give you the advice ... change the tool : change the 3D engine, search on internet on other engine forums like Ogre 3D etc ... for aumentend reality stuff instead of asking a little feature that will never justify any 3DGS license change or whatever ...

So, as long as im not selling or distributiong anything that could pose risk of economic damage, its not very troublesome. Something that those professional cracker, do pose a risk for Companies that injury them, decreasing their sales. And spread them all over. ITS different cenarios..
And i also could see this from another point view, by testing the pro feature, i can see and consider buying the real thing, later... So it can actually be beneficial in some way.

Yes you can do what you want with 3DGS trial or cracked as you sell and distribute nothing indeed.
It's your personal use, you could crack Paint Sop Pro, 3DSMAX ,etc ... you do what you want ... as you don't distribute nothing.

But i don't think JCL will ask you or thanks you to crack 3DGS, it is like he said already very hard to crack.
And 3DGS is not same popularity as big programs : Zbrush, 3DSMAX, paint sho pro etc ... that are sold every where throught the world.
I think it's really useless to crack it, but if you need to test Pro version lot more time, to perhaps buy a PRo version , you do as you want .... but you told you let down game making ... so you should really concentrate improving in the right stuff like your programming for example.

the real point here, was to kind of warn about the reality, and the vulnerabitity of the engine (altought i dont know if this A8 can be fully unlocked, because havent tryed!)...
Lot of software can be cracked even big software , so what is the real discovery you bring ??? nothing !
It's like some guy telling to Sony : i can crack your PS3 : believe me i don't think the guy will be thanked by sony and it could be rude for him laugh !!!

Now Some of you guys do more damage than me believe me, because, always telling the engine its not enought, or etc, is like adding more momentum to the other people that read this, to leave the engine and go to those unity etc... and the power of a group is always greater

You hsould read more carefully ... some of us just indicate what is wrong on workflow for example, what should be better, what is done in another 3D engines, but no 3D engine is perfect .. Esenthel 2, LeadWerks 3 , Ogre 3D, Neo Axis , C4 engine are strong in their areas and workflow also.

But you should recognize like people that are NOT FAN OF ANY 3D ENGINE , the engine is just THE TOOL TO MAKE A 3D GAME. when you know how to make a game and have basics , you can choose THE MORE APPROPRIATE laugh

Yes 3DGs can do things , but don't compare it to Unreal 3D engine : STAY REALISTIC.
Stop saying it's some holy graal or better than others .. we have seen SuperCan game quality, and some good ones (superKu, battle for forgol etc ..) ... yes you can do good things indeed ...

You plan some AAA complex FPS , with complex scenes, believe me Unreal 3D is the engine in the indie version.
you plan indie little games ... you have a large choice of 3D engines ...

But all this talk was more directed to JLC and to open discussion about the subject and reality of things. And as you can see im not getting anything back like a PRIZE or something. I did not come here, to win anything... just to open a discussion about the topic.

Yes perhaps you should talk about that subject directly with him, caus it's the only concerned by your crack adventure !

I dont know if your attacking me or not, Because my english is not very good sometimes, and i not sure how your tone is.
No one is attacking you ... but your subject ... well it's not really constructive, nothing to do with game making.
EACH THREAD HAVE A TITLLE ...your thread has nothing to do here i think ?

Last edited by ratchet; 12/15/12 19:31.