Didn't work much on Superku for the last month for various reasons but I've deactivated the isometric rendering for fun/ testing because I will/ have to use perspective rendering in one special level:

Obviously there are some issues as the level, the shaders, shadows and the like are built for an isometric game but do you think that the look has potential/ could look better than the 2D version? I'm not going to change it for this game but I think I will use the perspective rendering for my next project.

I've deleted three more levels and now need ideas for 4 levels! They should be something special from a gameplay point of view, thus a suggestion such as "a level where you fly around like a cannonball" is much more appreciated than one like "a snow/ ice level".

Thanks for every input!

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends