Your CPU also calculated 1+2=2 before the Desktop can display it.
This does not mean the calculation was not intended.

Awareness on ones own thoughts has a natural delay in a time.delayed calculation network.
If you get aware you decided something wrong, you can still check
and correct it, before doing an action.
Thats why complex thoughts get iterated first in the head many times,
before a conclusion is taken.
Otherwise its a reflex. (like taking a leg up when walking)
You can let it run, or manually correct it. (dogshit)

The time delay doe NOT mean there is no free will. It just
means that concludions, or responses can be valued to
be analysed, changed or just intuitively and immideately chosen.
If every though would be "handcrafted" and constructed from logical rules,
our thinking would be much too slow. The brain needs to automise
responses. But these responses can be trained and altered.

Look at the following example:
Girlfriend asks "Should I wear these clothes tonight, how do i look?"
It requires a either an intuitive answer (likely wrong) or complex iteration of answers (likely wrong too).