3dgs_snake:: Yeah, the demo wasnt TRUE black because I was using COLOR_BLACK
instead of nullvector in the overlay_button bmap-simulator...

Ive now fixed that, and adjusted your PP-shader and it displays what I wanted
perfectly... BUT ... I am HOPING to achieve this result without a shader
IF POSSIBLE. Otherwise I will probably go with your solution.
(yes .. I consider a bmap_process to be a shader... but thats just me)

Thanks for giving me a functional 'fall-back' process that works though!

txesmi:: interesting solution that will definately got into my snippet archives.
But unfortunately no good in this instance.
I cant use a 'formula' to generate the transparency as the 'overlay' is
NORMALLY retrieved from an external 32_bit TGA, so the resulting panel will
not necessarily be a perfect circle, or any 'perfect' shape that can be formula-ized.

But this solution is certainly helpful with my shader-learning needs... Thanks.

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