I have another question which makes me crazy about the logic how Zorro handles BarOffsets with Pricedata. Here is an example code and a picture to compare.

this is only an experiment to understand the logic. i took the The7 Strategy Signals.

So the Strategie says for a Short Position. Check if OPEN of the last Candle (priceOpen(1)) is above than EMA_High(1) AND the CLOSE of the last candle (priceClose(1)) is below EMA_High(1) AND the CLOSE of the last candle (priceClose(1)) is above EMA_Low(1).

So here is the code and compare the TimeOffset in the two codes:

function run()
	StartDate = 2012;
	BarPeriod = 60;
	var* priceH = series(priceHigh());
	var* priceL = series(priceLow());
	var *EMAHigh = series(EMA(priceH,5));
	var *EMALow = series(EMA(priceL, 5));
	//Short 0
	if(priceOpen(1) > EMAHigh[0]
	and priceClose(1) < EMAHigh[1]
	and priceClose(1) > EMALow[1])
        PlotBars  =150;
	plot("EMAH", EMAHigh[0], 0, BLUE);
	plot("EMAL", EMALow[0], 0, BLUE);

And here is the resulting picture. Interesting to see, that the orders are 1 Candle too late.

But if i change the code-logic, which makes me trouble in my head, to this:

function run()
	StartDate = 2012;
	BarPeriod = 60;
	var* priceH = series(priceHigh());
	var* priceL = series(priceLow());
	var *EMAHigh = series(EMA(priceH,5));
	var *EMALow = series(EMA(priceL, 5));
	//Short 0
	if(priceOpen(0) > EMAHigh[0]
	and priceClose(0) < EMAHigh[0]
	and priceClose(0) > EMALow[0])
	PlotBars  =150;
	plot("EMAH", EMAHigh[0], 0, BLUE);
	plot("EMAL", EMALow[0], 0, BLUE);

Then the results are like in this picture:

And the Orders are exactly at the candle, where they shoudl be.
I don't understand this logic, cause like in the first code, this is how MT4 handles the logic naturally:

1. If new candle opens
2. check conditions on last candle, for example MT4-Code: High[1]
3. execute Order on actuall candle with the next tick

1. exactly at close of actual candle
2. check conditions on this candle, which is like the recent last candle in MT4, Zorro: priceHigh(0)
3. execute order on new candle with first tick.

Overall, this is a turnaround in my head. I see problems with some logics, where a trade must be executed on the actual candle (!)befor it closes. for example the actual candle reaches a defined body-size, which implies it as an impulsive candle and i'd like to trade it immediatly instead waiting for candle close.
I read in the manual, that if Zorro is in TRADINGMODE, that the Orderexecution is TICK-based, but how could i calculate the Body from the recent Open to the actual Tick-Price?
This could not be possible, because priceOpen(0) gives me the Openprice of the already closed candle (Open(1) in MT4)

i hope that someone understand what i try to explain here.

Last edited by PriNova; 11/20/12 19:37.