didnt post pics before, so hopefully this will help redeem me.Its not much, just a basic level plot, The detailed wall is the closest to representing what the art will look like. For most of the level design I plan on using some models with a custom multitexture shader that has surface normalmap support, that way models can be gotten very close to and still look detailed, but from a distance you will also see a model wide normalmap that affects the appearance of the shape of the level pieces. The screens were taken in blender, and no surface multitexture normalmapping is done yet, but diffuse was, and so was the full uv size normal map. the rest of the stuff is all dummy placeholders so I have a look/shape/feel to work off of. I did want to point out that the level looks small both because of the low poly art, and the perspectives available in blender,but I tried to get some screenshots with the camera looking from the distance of the size characters are intended to be. you can get fairly close tothe geometry and still see detail because of the custom shader i'm making.