I CANT USE ENT_REMOVE! Can I make it any more clear!

I have other functions and code that store the entities by entity pointer,
not by their position within the 'ents' array.

So if I do an ent_remove/ptr_remove then those functions/actions will be
pointing to a no-longer-valid address, or even a different entity altogether.
This is not good...

Also, I am currently using ent_morph because it is MUCH faster then performing
an ent_remove & ent_create combo. I will be processing the entities in
'batches' and if I use the ent_create process I get stuttery fps
due to 20+ ent_create's in a single frame. Ent_morph doesnt cause this problem.

If the answer is "... it CANNOT be done...", then someone say so... please.
(but dont lie, I want the truth!)

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