Okay, after a long time and some work in the holidays i´m finally again ready for a release. What i was working on is a cleaner code and easier implemention of new stuff. Successfully. Besides that i worked hard on making it more stable. I reworked the gravity system.
You can also change the keys now.
Server and client information gets saved now.
Also reworked the weapon system to make it more confortable, because most people complained about the recoil and that it doesnt autoreload.
I´ve left out all graphical effects, because it was too much for some people.
I think thats everything.
Here are the controls for those of you who forgot them:

walk with “W/A/S/D”
shoot with “mouse left”
zoom in with “mouse right”
reload with “r”
melee with “e”
use special jump with “shift”
normal jump with “space”
statistics with “tab”
grenades with “g”
change weapons with “1,2,3,4”
chat with "enter"

I´ll hopefully open a server at 08:30 (20:30) PM german time.
Server Info:
IP: qxn.dyndns.org
No password
Port: 2300
Now the download link:

PS: Damn, i forgot the fullscreen code...
to keep the mouse in window press "p"

Professional Edition